David Marshall
Personal Trainer Northampton
Lead Coach & Founder at Marshall Personal Training and Body Blitz Northampton
With over twelve years experience working in an ever-changing fitness industry (including roles at David Lloyd and Virgin Active) David is well respected in the fitness community and is a passionate voice on the current state of the health sector.
- Holds a Degree in Sports Development & Coaching
- BND in Sports Science and Weight Management
- Level 3 Personal Trainer
- Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist
- Kettle Bell Instructor
- Boxing Coach and Enthusiast
My qualifications and previous work experiences, which also included spells at various Boot Camps throughout the UK, allowed me to develop a system proven to work not only for gaining short term results for that special occasion but also to change the way you think about who and what you want to be.
A new and improved you.
I qualified in Sport and Exercise Science specialising in coaching development and spent my early years in the industry practising rehabilitation and post injury recovery (see Injury Rehabilitation); basically getting injured people to move again. A rewarding experience where I learned the key quality of patience.
I then moved into personal fitness training, teaching classes and Boot Camps which involved high-intensity training designed to get people active. It was at these sessions that I learned the importance of teamwork and hard work. After qualifying as a level 3 Personal Trainer, through Premier International, I started 1-2-1 personal training.
As a personal trainer now based in Northampton I am doing the job of my dreams and getting clients the results they desired every single day.
The secret to success in this job is simple: Passion and Commitment every single day.
My Insight to Long Term Fitness
There are many theories out there on how to get fit, how to lose weight, how to get in shape, how to get strong, how to get healthy. I am going to tell you something that no other personal trainer will tell you whilst they look for your business. Most of them, in fact, the vast majority, of these theories work. So why do people not follow them or when they do follow them why do they not stick to it?
It’s a question that has bugged me since I was a child and watched my parents try and fail every year, usually January, to change their lifestyle and get fit.
As a child, I was extremely active always playing outside whilst other kids played on computers. I didn’t understand why people found it so hard to lose weight; I mean playing and exercise is fun right?
Then I turned into an adult. Work, meetings, late nights, early mornings and a full social diary but still I made time for the gym, rugby practice, 5 aside football and the odd half marathon.
Then bang kids! Where does time go? I mean there are still 24 hours in a day right?I have been a personal trainer for many years and have been involved in the fitness industry in one way or another all of my life. However it wasn’t until I was faced with kids, work and all of life’s distractions did it dawn on me that all the excuses I had listened to for years (I haven’t got time, I just eat what the kids eat, I am always at work, little Charlie is sick, I am just too tired) made sense. For 12 months I, despite my college education and endless exercise qualifications, got stuck in the same rut I had spent my life helping people get out of.
You need the whole picture to achieve Long Term Fitness.
This is when I realised that anyone can call themselves a personal trainer, some will achieve short-term results, but most of the time, in the long run, they will fail and you will return to your past state. Until you learn to manage what you do in the time you have and get your head around the fact that you have to look at life as a whole picture and not just your waist line you will never get the results you deserve for long term fitness.
You have to change the perception of what is normal and make fitness a way of life!

Learn to Box
Build confidence, Get in Shape and Have Fun. Contact us for more info.

Body Blitz Northampton
Train with David Marshall at Proaction Martial Arts Body Blitz classes. Much more than just a circuits class.
Classes Monday,Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday.
Proaction Academy
Osyth Close Brackmills
Click the link above or call me: 07954 153248